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Canadian Nationals: Photos from 6 July – all by Dan Duclos

“The long thin shade”:  MSC ASW-24 flown by Yves Bastien What!?!  Your club doesn’t offer therapeutic massage at the flight line?      Towplane graciously provided by Montreal Soaring Council on final beside the grid; pilots bolted into their cockpits ready to go on Saturday. Three of the competitors – MF (and crew)  Krzysztof…

DAY 1 in Issoudun !!!!

DAY 1 at the WWGC as followed at home. Briefing day 1 as shared by team USA. Due to the long winter and the late spring all grass and crops are high in most parts of Europe. Normally it would all have been cut down already, not this year, so there is some concern about going…

Cherokee II Homebuilt First Flight

Another “test flight” in Tullahoma, Tennessee on the same field the Concordia first flew, but perhaps a little different.   The Cherokee II was a very popular plans-built glider, circa 1950s. The particular ship was passed around for many years, until Gary Flandro got his hands on it. The original logs were lost but the…

My First Solo

It seemed to me that this Saturday is just an average day again. I knew that I was close to the first solo, but I still had made some mistakes so I thought that I will have the great moment later. Probably this will be next week, but not now. However, I felt something exciting……

Hey, what’s in that trailer?

When people see the long slender trailer being towed down the highway they often wonder what is contained within.  This guy thought he would answer their questions with a graphic depiction of what is contained within.  Thank you Gary Childers for this nice photo — Ed. The picture of the trailer is just a plan…

Training Update from Hungary

Spin Training last weekend, First Solo soon! It is not easy to depict my busy weekend… during these 2 days I just had 3-3 take-offs, but there were brand new challenges for me. Unluckily the weather was not the best, even so we started the flying day at midday. On Saturday the wind from the…

5th April – North Coast Cliffhanger

I was listening to the radio on the way to the gliding club and that old Baz Luhrmann song was playing, you know the one, dishing out life advice by the bucket load and advocating the wearing of sunscreen. Anyway there is a line of that song which goes, “Do one thing everyday that scares…