Tag Archive for 2012 WGC

15/08: Nous avons bien volé mais ça ne paie de nouveau pas !

Désolé de ne pas vous avoir donné de nouvelle hier, nous sommes rentrés très tard après une épreuve de 663 kilomètres. Après le diner, j’étais tellement fatigué que mon lit m’a tout de suite attiré… Et pourtant c’était une nouvelle fois une journée très intéressante. PI2 était un peu moins dans le coup que d’habitude. […]

Day 10 Tom

David wins the day! Advice from Dan the Met man backed up by later data from Alex was to start early which David did to great effect, the only pilot today over 140kph. I was heading to the startline when I met up with a huge gaggle. We played the start…

Nick’s day 10.

Nick, ST – Day 10, 15 AugThe weatherman predicts a blue day, but the sky is full of CUs. Mind you they are not working very well. I usually go exploring between release and the start gate opening to figure out what conditions are like and today I find …

Dave’s Day 10

The weather today was a mix of cu and blue conditions on different parts of the course.  The first three and a half legs were in the cu, then we transitioned into the blue, and then on the final glide back into the cu again.  Jerzy and I flew…

More day 10

6.30pmIt’s getting bluer here.6.15pmGetting busy at the finish all on final glide now.6pmDavid and Brad are back, Bruce is close Tom and Team Trotter are still on task.We are hoping for stronger winds and blue conditions in the south of the task area t…

Miss Daisy – Words About the Worlds

Good afternoon after the most challenging launch we ever had here!When arriving at the airport this morning the participant countries flags were fully extended in the wind. Nothing bad so far in normal conditions, but if you decide to go on the gr…

August 15 1425CDT(1925 UTC)

A shot of moisture from the Rio Grande Valley brought some low cumulus late morning continuing still at launch time that was not evident in the morning models.  Weathermen still expect it to dry out.

Hannah’s Blog: Day 10

Sitting on the grid here at Garner Field waiting for launch to begin momentarily. Unexpected for day 10, clouds fill the sky all around from view of the airport. The first open class pilot just launched, and all the crews are slowly beginning to scat…