
The Australian Grand Prix Qualifier

The [2011] Aussie GP Qualifier has just been completed at Lake Keepit, in North-Eastern New South Wales. The aircraft included a big group of ASG 29s, plus the two JS1s that now live here, and also a Nimbus 3DM which flew hors concours for the fun of it. After the ridiculously wet season we have had here, it was my first chance to compare the ’29 to the JS1 in some real weather.

Day 3 at Perry

Our normal 10:30am pilots meeting was held this morning in a torrential downpour – giving us a mild hint that today would be a no-fly day.  There were all sorts of options proposed for activities, none of which involve glider assembly or flight.  Tonight’s activity involves a pig roast and a Keg of Canadian beer…

Day 2 at Perry

I’m sitting in my micro-camper at about 3pm, after the day was called here at Perry.  A storm system was moving in from the southwest, with major blow-ups visible on radar and visible satellite loops.  At the morning meeting it was decided to move the grid time up slightly to see if a task could…

Day 1 at Perry

Today was a challenging day for all classes.  The weather forecast was for blue skies again, but this time with significant wind out of the south and southwest.  Initial reports from pilots indicated almost everyone had trouble at some point in their flights. Sarah Kelly-Arnold, the day winner in the Sports class mentioned that on…

Official Practice Day at Perry

Official practice day at Perry is in the bag, and I have to say this was one of the more interesting and enjoyable practice tasks I have flown.  The weather forecast was for marginal soaring weather – 2500 to 3500′ msl, blue as blue can be, and very light winds from the west and southwest.…

Saturday at Perry

Woke up today to low clouds, high winds and warm temperatures.  Apparently the frontal system slowed down a bit overnight, so it was still to our south and west.  I got my run finished just as the first small showers started, so I got to eat breakfast to the sound of rain on my micro-castle’s…

Perry SPOT maps are now active

The Perry SPOT maps are now active, with  over 30 pilots registered for SPOT tracking.  The links are: Note that the last link (the .KML one) requires Google Earth to view. TA

Pre-practice days at Perry

It’s Friday morning at 7:30am, and I’m sitting in my camper at Perry watching the place wake up for the day. I’m cooling down after my morning run, during which I noted that the place had sprouted another batch of glider trailers overnight – the things are like mushrooms around here. I got here Tuesday…

Report from Friedrichshafen, New Open-Class Gliders

Report from Germany – Dave Nadler 14-April-2011 New Open-Class gliders ! At the Aero show in Friedrichshafen, a few new gliders are on exhibit.  Lange Aviation has an Antares 23E, which is a longer-winged version of the Antares 20E and features the Antares electric self-launch system.  Antares 23E has 5 water tanks each side, including a new tank aft of the…