Tag Archive for OLC – Segelflugszene

HPH Sailplanes: Hightech-Renner aus tschechischer Produktion

HPH Sailplanes ist eine kleine tschechische Segelflugzeugschmiede, welche nach dem Konkurs von Glasflügel 1998 die Formen der 304CZ übernahm und darauf basierend die HPH304-Reihe entwickelte. Besonders mit dem Jet-Antrieb des 304 Shark haben die Tschechen großes Aufsehen erregt. Im kommenden Jahr soll Werknummer 100 vom Band laufen.  Im Interview spricht Firmenchef Jaroslav Potměšil über die Zukunft von HPH, Antriebskonzepte der Zukunft und verrät uns was seine Flugzeuge so besonders macht …

TopMeteo-charts now including Namibia and South Africa

TopMeteo has now evaluation-related weather data for Namibia and South Africa. In the Daily Score page directly above the date you find different weather charts as well as a satellite picture to click on. The first three charts show the wind on that day in flight level FL 130 and FL 85 as well as in 3500 ft. A click on “Satellite Picture” opens the respective satellite picture. This additional information gives a quick overview about the weather condition at that day and will help to evaluate and rate the scores and flown distances …

1,000… Chasing for the Magic Number

The Southern Hemisphere’s Skies currently host glider pilots from several countries. Almost every day, the magic number “1,000” pops up in OLC’s scores. A dream becomes true once an ambitious pilot reaches the 1,000 mark. But…

SoaringNV – Wave Watch by Kempton Izuno

SoaringNV in Minden is now partnering with Kempton Izuno to improve the opportunities to fly the fabulous Sierra wave in Nevada. Kempton has started broadcasting the Sierra Wave Watch for Laurie Harden’s glider operation. His approach is suppo…