2012 WGC Uvalde

A change in task!

  12.40 ;TC meeting at the front of the grid at 12.45. for a chance in the 15 m. class task. AND… The sniffer goes up to check the circumstances. First messages 4.5kts.  at 5000 ft. VERY BLUE today! 15 m. now has a C task….one sector less for them is all I know by…

1991 Uvalde WGC Photos

We thank Markus Gayda for these photos that he took at the 1991 World Gliding Championships in Uvalde. We also thank Frederic Morel for pointing us to a nine-minute video of the 1991 event. We’ve posted the video in the photo/video gallery section in the upper left corner of the Café home page, but you can also click here to view it.

Miss Daisy – Words About the Worlds

15 m task updated!After carefully discussing, the WGC task setter group decided to make a chance to the task in order not to have too many pilots in one area at the same time – the first turn point has been eliminated:15m Class:LaPalomaGlassRanchU…

Leigh Zimmerman "Around the Worlds"

Rick Walters is on site now and we were chatting about 2012 WGC Speeds. Per Rick: “The fastest flight after 10 days of competition has been Peter Harvey’s. His speed of 161 kph on day 7 is the equivalent of Ron Tabery’s speed of 100 mph at la…

DAY 10 in the nerve centre

The weather man had initially predicted a 7pm finish, but later brought this back to 6:30pm. Alex reviewed the data and it looked like a possibility that the day could even be over by 6pm. We discussed for some time and came to the decision that the te…

GP:Live — One More Thing…

… actually two. #1 – I added weather overlays (GOES 3km resolution). This is the feature that my crew has been using during WGC and I just had enough time to remove few rough edges and make it good enough for general public consumption. With this feature, now you can see who was where when and…

Miss Daisy – Words About the Worlds

Good morning! Countdown continues – Day 3 just starts in Uvalde for all of us.The staff of volunteers running the competition have a lot of surprises up their sleeve for the last 3 nights here – food, drinks, parties, prizes – stick around the big whit…

Weather – August 16 916(CDT) (1418 UTC)

Yesterday a small area of moisture up the Rio Grande provided a local area of cumulus SW to NE over Uvalde.  Farther to the SE it was dry and blue.  Lift altitudes restricted competitors to generally less than 7000ft. through 16:00, thereafte…