WSPA’s February “Hangar Soaring” Online

The Women Soaring Pilots Association (WSPA) recently published their quarterly newsletter, Hangar Soaring, edited by Frauke Elber. The February issue  is full of articles and news, including a roundup of observations on the 2012  SSA convention. Speaking of the convention, your Soaring Café editor interviewed Frauke at the WSPA booth and attended a presentation by WSPA President Neita Montague on How to Make Your Club Better. Neita’s presentation and our interview with Frauke are posted here on the Café.

The WSPA was founded June 11, 1986 in Tucson, AZ. The charter meeting was the result of a year’s effort and input by the pilots who attended the 1985 Women Soaring Seminar at Air Sailing near Reno, NV. Our current membership exceeds 200 pilots including International pilots.

The highlight of each year is the Annual Women Soaring Seminar where members from all over the country meet to encourage and support each other and to soar.

Membership Information


  • Participation in the Women’s Soaring Seminar held annually.
  • Subscription to Hangar Soaring, the Official quarterly newsletter of the WSPA.
  • Ability to compete for the Anne Morrow Lindbergh Trophy for the longest handicapped cross-country flight of the year.
  • Ability to compete for the Virginia Schweizer Trophy for the best performance by a woman pilot at the 1-26 Championships.
  • Scholarships
  • Full Membership is open to any woman holding a student glider rating or higher.
  • Associate Membership is open to everyone else.
I want to emphasize that last bullet…

Anyone (including men as Associate Members) can join and support the WSPA!

To join, click here and sign up or make a donation.
Annual dues are $15