Tag Archive for World Gliding Championships

Leigh Zimmerman "Around the Worlds"

It’s bright and early on Contest Day 3 and I just finished a drive around the trailer tie down area.  Most are working at the preparation for the day as it promises to be another scorcher.  The atmosphere is more relaxed with 2 days in the ba…

Hannah’s Blog: Day 2

I am now blogging with the same good feelings I finished off with earlier today.  Maybe because some of the U.S. team treated me to ice-cream earlier this evening…  But the overall consensus here in Uvalde seems to be that today everything …

Leigh Zimmerman "Around the Worlds"

Day 2 is winding down just a little after 8pm in Uvalde. We’ve not heard of any landouts and as Sam and I were helping with recovery we saw lots of smiling faces.  We are still working hard on getting photo galleries up and running because we’ve g…

Leigh Zimmerman "Around the Worlds"

Yay, we are up and blogging on the WGC site.  Sam and I arrived 2 weeks ago to help the volunteer contest administration get ready. The City of Uvalde has worked relentlessly to prepare to host “The World” for this great event.  Look for…

Blogging Starts today!

We will have 4 bloggers starting to post this afternoon. Pete Alexander (98) will be taking the perspective of “The Sniffer”. Hannah Weissenbuehler with her more energetic young view point of the contest, Walt Rodgers with his weather forecast and prog…

Day 2 Starts Up

The launch is starting for day 2. The weather is looking classic summer Uvalde. Thermals will be strong and marked with CU’s. Starting tomorrow web cams and live streaming video of the launch will be available.