Tag Archive for 2012 US Team Uvalde

"ZL Finish"

Dave Leonard (ZL) just called his finish and is entering the landing pattern.  Ron Tabery (SS) and Dick Butler (DB) are on final glide. 

On Course

They’re all out there now and we can hear the radio communication between DB and SS clearly on the Team Radio.  Of course, neither ZL or P7 have a flying partner today, so they are  quiet.  Both of these gentlemen are naturally quiet, an…

They’re Up!

Launch is complete.  DB, SS, P7 and ZL are all airborne.  Both the Open Class and 18 Meter gates are now open.  The 15 Meter gate will open at 1447.

Official Practice Day 4

Well, yesterday got very busy in the Team Office and I didn’t have time to write anything while all six US Team pilots flew their tasks.  For today, we will have four pilots up and racing.  Bill Elliott and John Seaborn are taking rest days. …

Uvalde is Ready

Those of us who have been to coming to Uvalde for years (if not decades) appreciate how much effort has gone into readying the airport and surrounding grounds for this World Championship. The tie-down field, which often vacillates between dust bowl and mud pit, is green, with more grass than stickers, few mesquite thorns, and…

Official Practice Day 3

One of the “sniffers” here is Pete Alexander who is flying his beautiful new two-seat Arcus sailplane on behalf of the Contest Management.  For those of you who are not familiar with the term, a sniffer is a pilot that is sent aloft prior to the b…