Photos, Galleries, and Videos

Video Tour of Pre-WGC Headquarters in Argentina

Here’s a quick (and rather dizzying) tour of the 2012 Pre-World Gliding Championship headquarters in Adolfo Gonzales Chaves, Argentina. The video was taken on January 7th with an Android phone camera. For more  information about the site and regular updates throughout the competition (January 8-20), check out Sailplane Racing News near the bottom of the Soaring Café…

Skies over Eagleville Memories 2011-2010 (and past)

Here are some clips from the Eagleville Soaring club. Added some new members this season, and were are still growing. Some members are looking for their own ships.  But anyway couldn’t get it all in but here are a few.   Skies over Eagleville Memories from Ron Murphy on Vimeo. Ron Murphy H301

Young Fabian Tells His 1000 km Story!

Here is the translation from an exclusive “retrospect” by Fabian Peitz, who flew HIS first and Australia’s first 1000 km for this season AND the first 1000 km from Stonefield as well! To remain exclusive, I publish it at the same time as my blog, this Wednesday. —-It all started on the evening of the…

First Solo at Southern Eagles Soaring

The smile on his face says it all. On his 14th birthday, Jesse Haggerty IV, completed his first solo flight. Jesse lives in Eufala, Al and has been flying with the Southern Eagles Soaring club located in LaGrange, GA. Jesse can’t wait until the Spring soaring season starts, so be can work on his badges…

Antares Fuel Cell Research Project

Editors’ Note: Thanks to Guenter Pelz for sending us this report.
“In regard to more “green propulsion systems”, I would like to bring your attention to a 6:31 video report from a German television station (SWR3) that focuses on clean energy. In this report, they show the status of the Antares H2/H3 research project by using fuel cells to operate the Antares 20 meter sailplane as the testbed to gain experience in fuel cell technology.”