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Pre Mundial starts in Chaves!

Today the pre-worlds start in Chaves in Argentina with 109 participants in 3 classes. It is combined with the 3d FAI South American Gliding Championship. Here is a link to the blog from the only participant from Holland; Jeroen Verkuijl. The picture is his as well. So you have an American view on things by Sarah Kelly Arnold…

Jonker Sailplanes 2011 Year in Review

[Leo sent me a Merry Christmas email yesterday and I thought I would share it with our readers. — WE] Jonker Sailplanes has had a relatively good year with steady production of JS1 Revelations for customers worldwide, numerous JS1 pilots having contest success, and many fabulous OLC flights. The manufacturing year ended in mid-December with…

Young Fabian Tells His 1000 km Story!

Here is the translation from an exclusive “retrospect” by Fabian Peitz, who flew HIS first and Australia’s first 1000 km for this season AND the first 1000 km from Stonefield as well! To remain exclusive, I publish it at the same time as my blog, this Wednesday. —-It all started on the evening of the…

JoeyGlide 2011 in Kingaroy Australia

Tomorrow is the official practice day of JoeyGlide 2011 in Kingaroy Australia. The planning for us started back in March’ish, when Adam Woolley mentioned we should come fly. Adam is the CD and has been working diligently for the past year preparing for this. I met Adam during the first JoeyGlide in 2004 when I…

SOARING100 Introduces 10,000 to the History and Sport(s) of Soaring

At 9:45 AM on October 24, 2011 a ceremony convened at the Wright Brothers National Memorial honoring the centennial of Orville Wright’s 9 minute 45 second world-record soaring duration flight that fulfilled the early requirements of a “C” badge and heralded the beginning of modern soaring. A few hours later the four-day celebration called SOARING100 was also history. More than 10,000 spectators, participants and members of the interested public had met at the Outer Banks of North Carolina to celebrate history and introduce the various forms of soaring to the many visitors.

Concordia Update: Ailerons, Flaps, and Winglets

On Thursday, October 20th, your editors traveled to Dick and Sarah Butler’s hilltop aerie in Middle Tennessee to catch up on the latest developments in the Concordia project. We were also eager to see Christian Striefeneder, whom we met last year while he was in Tennessee helping Dick with a critical phase of construction.

Skies over Eagleville, Tenn. 2011

Well! the 2011 soaring season is getting into the fall season, and still some good soaring days  are yet ahead.  The summer has been very hot, but flying must go on. We are in our  second year of our newly formed club, and many new members have been added to the membership. Here are some…