Practice Day 5

Today we have 3.25 AAT for all classes and it is a real South Australian blue day, not an Uvalde blue day with 2/8th Cu. The temperatures are increasing and today’s max forecast is 39.5C which is close to a day record.
The air mass is heating and we need a trigger temperature of 34.5C, conditions are forecast to be 3-4kts early and 6-7kts later with max heights of 8000′.
They have introduced a start line speed limit of 170kph rather than a 2 minute time below the start height, so that is something extra for the pilots to practice today.
We have 5 pilots flying today Tom is having a rest day. Only 2 more practice days before the Opening Ceremony on Saturday,
Today we had a later start with first launch not until 13.40. We expect them back around 6pm tonight.
Yesterday there was a mid air touch between 2 Argentinean gliders who were flying close together, one had damage to a winglet the other some minor damage under the fuselage.
The German team captain Uli commented this morning that he now understands how difficult it is for us to compete overseas every year. I’m not sure he fully gets it since they have shipped over all of their gliders and cars and he is on a full time salary, but at least he has some insight.