Gena Tabery-On the Fly


While many contestants and their families were floating down the Rio Frio in colorful tubes, Wally Scott Jr. and Gary Evans were soaring the rather blue skies of Uvalde. Mr. Evans has a new ASH-25 that remains stuck at customs, so Mark Huffstutler lent him his 25 so that could familiarize himself with the ship. Mr. Scott reported that in these mostly blue skies, they flew to 7,000’ with lifts of 6 or 7 knots.

Where but Uvalde could you SCHEDULE a rest day and be glad of its mediocre weather—weather that anywhere else would be considered pretty good soaring?

De facto Entertainment Chair Kerry Huffstutler and her Team Uvalde really blew contest amenities out of the water by providing tubing on a crystal clear, cypress-rimmed river, which deposited swimmers at a Mexican Fiesta, complete with plenty of Mexican food, cold beverages, a mariachi band, piñatas, a Country-Western band for dancing, a pool for the little ones, and bus transportation to and fro. All for free, if you forget the cost of just being here.