A Day in the Life of the Line Crew

Julius Tabery: My Day at the Worlds
In the morning I wake up, then hurry to the car to get to the scales station in time. On the way I eat a breakfast that my parents have prepared for me beforehand. once I get there, I help the people at the scales station weigh the gliders so that all of them are the same weight. if they’re not, then we dump some of the water in their wings so they are.
Then it’s pilot meeting, then team meeting.
Next we go to the runway to launch the gliders. I help with that since I am a member of the line crew, doing things such as signalling to the towplane with a flag, or running ropes to the gliders.
Then there is a period of rest where I rest and send e-mails.
After that, dad lands and we go to dinner and go to bed.
Next day: REPEAT

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