2012 Colorado Performance Soaring Webinar

March 10, 2012, 9:00 AM MST SHARP. (If weather forces a postponement, a new date will be announced.)

Here is the speaker line-up (the order might change):

Quay Snyder, MD: Hypoxia and Physiological Issues for Pilots
John Seaborn: Outlandings
Elke Fuglsang-Petersen: Parachutes
Lee Kuhlke: Power Flarm Update
Frank Whiteley: Soaring Awards and SSA update
Bif Huss: Team Flying and Mentoring: The Navy Way
Pedja Bogdanovich: Santa Fe Out and Return
Dave Leonard: Practical Weather Forecasting for Soaring
Mark Matticola: New Aircraft and Training at the Air Force Academy
Wolf Herold: Soaring Fantasy (tentative at the moment)


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After submitting their information, they will be registered and will then receive an e-mail invitation to join the conference.

Registration Link
