Tag Archive for 2012 WGC Uvalde

Team Flying

Looking at Spot Tracker information and listening to radio transmissions it’s clear that Leonard and Seaborn are still flying as a pair and both just reported 30 kilometers out on final glide.  We can see and hear Butler and Tabery and they are st…

Dan & Walts Weather

Drying from the strong temperature inversion did indeed mix drier air and dissipated the morning stratus field around Uvalde.  However, temperature forecasts right on-trend and thermal altitudes initially low just after launch.  Around 1500CD…

Gena Tabery, On the Fly: Days 10-11

For Open Class winner Oscar Goudrian (OG) of South Africa, Day 10 turned out to be the slowest winning day of this race, at 134.5 kph, or 83.6 mph. The fastest speed of the day went to Australia’s 18-meter pilot, David Jansen (4D), at 141.2 kph, or 8…

Day 11

6.45pm All of final glide now, so now we wait for the results to see if they had fun :-)6.30pm Team Trotter 50km out6.15pm Tom and David on final glide at 80km. First finishers calling 10kmThe guys are all out on task under Cu with streeting – a classi…

Miss Daisy – Words About the Worlds

Another dusty and windy Good afternoon from the WGC!It was quite a trip getting to the grid and back today, due to that same wind as yesterday that is busy picking up all the dust and blinding us. Against all obstacles, the launch went on safe and in g…

Miss Daisy – Words About the Worlds

Another dusty and windy Good afternoon from the WGC!It was quite a trip getting to the grid and back today, due to that same wind as yesterday that is busy picking up all the dust and blinding us. Against all obstacles, the launch went on safe and in g…

All US Team Pilots On Course

The satellite shows very few cumulus along the first legs of today’s tasks so it’s a good day for team flying.  Looks like all three pairs of US Team Pilots are doing just that.  Seaborn and Leonard started together at 1436.  Butler and …

Panels on Parade

We hope you enjoy this more or less random sample of instrument panels at WGC 2012 in Uvalde. The panels pictured here are those in about 1/3 of the competing sailplanes.

GP:Live — One More Thing…

… actually two. #1 – I added weather overlays (GOES 3km resolution). This is the feature that my crew has been using during WGC and I just had enough time to remove few rough edges and make it good enough for general public consumption. With this feature, now you can see who was where when and…