Tag Archive for 2012 SSA Convention

SSA 2012 Convention Photos by Maria Szemplinska

We are delighted to provide the following images from Maria Szemplinska.  She creates truly beautiful photographs with a unique perspective.  Let us know if you would like a copy and we can put you in touch with her.  We hope you enjoy them as much as we have.  — Bill and Rand Photos by Maria…

SSA 2012—Long Cross Country Flights in Wave

Few pilots in the world are as experienced as Jim in flying the Sierra mountain wave. In his presentation, Jim describes the hazards of long wave flights, the equipment needed to make these flights safely, and how to adequately prepare for and plan long flights in the Sierra wave. He also recounts several of his many successful flights.

SSA 2012 Convention Coverage

We are excited to be covering the 2012 SSA Convention in Reno. This page will serve as the single source for all reports, interviews, and presentations from the speaker sessions plus all the photos and videos.