VSA Bungee Cord – April 2013 Edition

Thanks to Simine Short, Editor of the Vintage Soaring Association’s Bungee Cord, for sending us excerpts from the Spring, 2013 issue, including Rusty Lowry’s risk assessment checklist and article on operational risk assessment, and a photo of the nose of a Falke sailplane (1930s vintage) that Joe Steinhauser had built in 1932. Click on the images to enlarge.


2013-04 - VSA Bungee Cord Cover


2013-04 - VSA Bungee Cord Risk Assessment Checklist

2013-04 - VSA Bungee Cord Risk Assessment Article-1

2013-04 - VSA Bungee Cord Risk Assessment Article-2

Nose of a 1930s Falke sailplane that Joe is restoring

Nose of a Falke sailplane that Joe Steinhauser was building in 1932

Additional articles that may interest those of you who like older gliders are:

“Clarifying Classic and Vintage Definitions” by Jim Short

“ARTwork on an EoN Olympia” by Dave Schuur

“The Morelli M200” by Adam Kite (see cover)

“Return of gliders to Rybatschi” by Niels Ebbe Gjørup, and

“Schweizer TG-3A 1/4 scale model” by Martin Zeller.

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