Wednesday Day 8 15 Meter Nationals

The weather continues to be fickle and is making the task advisory committees job more difficult.  The monsoon moisture is to the SE but pieces, plumbs or ‘who no whatever else noun could be used’  to describe the moisture that being observed around the Logan airport.

The task advisory committee and CD wants a non-devalued day race day so the following tasks are on the task sheet.  Get them off and into the task area but let the pilots choose which TP’s they want to use based on the weather after a first mandatory, they get to choose from a list of three, TP.  Grid is at 1:00

More reporting can  be found at and tracking is at

Ron Gleason

Task A – Duration 3:30

Modified Assigned Speed Task

ID         Name                                        Distance (Miles)            Radius

1     01 NStart                                    0.00                        5.0


Choose one of the following as your first mandatory TP


59                                            59 MeadePeak

76                                                76 SherminPk

75                                                75 SedgwckPk


4     04 FINISH                                                                2.0



TP 80 SugarCrek can only be used ONCE within your flight

Task B – Duration 3:00


Same as Task A

Task X – Duration 3:00

Modified Assigned Speed Task

ID                                             Name                            Distance (Miles)            Radius

1                                         01 NStart                        0.00       5.0


Mandatory First Turn Point

60                                        60 MinkCreek


4                                         04 FINISH                        2.0

Task Y – Duration 2:30


Same as Task X