15 Meter Nationals – Day 7 start

The monsoon moisture has moved to the east of the task area leaving partly cloud skies, good looking soaring conditions and soaring models that support a long challenging task.

The eighteen pilots were assigned the task of

15 Meter Class
Tue. Jul 26, 11
15 Meter Nationals
Logan, UT
Turn Area Task
ID    Name    Distance (Miles)    Radius
1    01 NStart                 0.00       5.0
82    82 ThompsnPk            114.54      30.0
74    74 SltRvrPss            182.66      30.0
31    31 DownHdMml            244.13      28.0
4    04 FINISH               288.00       2.0

Distance (Miles)- 288.00 (Min: 177.15, Max: 443.78

4 hours in duration.

You can see a depiction of the task and follow the SPOT tracking at http://www.hawketracking.org/logan/files/trackinglarge.htm

Launch and task open was accomplished in under one hour.  Task open was 14:15 MDT

Ron Gleason