CloudStreet’s on Your TV Screen

Mark Mocho who flies with the Albuquerque Soaring Club recently sent out a link to the introductory trailer for “CloudStreet: Soaring the American West”. About half a year ago Soaring Café had first introduced the ambitious project – a video documentary slated for release later this year on the American Public Broadcasting System (PBS).

Zulu dumping water over dry soil (by Mike Abernathy)

Zulu dumping water over dry soil (by Mike Abernathy)

Mark explains: “I have been privileged to be involved with the production since its inception eight years ago. It was conceived and produced by my flying buddy Mike Abernathy, who ended up funding the project himself after our potential investors and sponsors backed out in 2009 with the economic downturn. Now, however, the project is in its final stages of post-production, with an original musical score and narration being added.”

The goal is to have the movie available in 50% of American homes. So, if you haven’t done this, TV might introduce your neighbors to the beauty of our sport: “From the glider pilot’s perspective “CloudStreet” shows the incredible beauty of the American West in a new and fascinating way.”

The movie team around Mike Abernathy used the new generation of small, lightweight High Definition cameras: “We were able to do all of the flying sequences solely using gliders as camera platforms. That’s right, no helicopters or other powered aircraft were used. It is all glider-to-glider.” Mark not only flew in the video, but was involved in many aspects of the production, including building virtually all of the camera mounts.

The scenery and flying sequences revolved around four major areas: Central and Northern New Mexico (flying from Moriarty, NM), Telluride, CO, Salida, CO and the Grand Tetons of Idaho. Time lapse photography of impressive cloud development shot from many western locales adds dramatic emphasis of the incredible energy in our atmosphere.

Check out this short four-minute trailer, and watch for the release of the actual documentary on PBS later this year. I wish I could watch the film on my European TV-screen as well… It’s gorgeous!

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