The Morning Glory.

A few of my friends have arrived in the small town of Burketown, far up in the North of Australia. After flying so around 500 km. per day in 5 gliders , from the border of NSW and Queensland [St George] , followed by about 20 crew and guests in this special expedition, they are ready to see and fly that roll cloud, with the special name; Morning Glory!!!
A special meteorological phenomena, a perfect wave cloud from at least 1 km. high sometimes up to 2 km. ,stretching from horizon to horizon, to be seen between August and November but on it’s best between September and October in the Gulf of Carpentaria area !
One of the Australian OLC pilots  “riding that cloud”  there for several years is Geoff Pratt. Speeds from 200 km. p/h. and racing over very remote areas , that’s what it is all about.
It’s not only a mecca for glider pilots, also hangglider pilots make camp in Burketown as well as pilots from powered planes.
When ever my friends have access to internet they will share with us their experience.
So just stand by! It seems to be quite  an experience!!!!I have never been there myself but heard a lot about it and a few friends “rode” the cloud already making the most fantastic pictures as well.

The Gulf of Carpenteria was in the past,  when we ran Sportavia also a destination for our [ Havilland] Dove. A crew flew with passengers to the Gulf for baramundi fishing.Guess I should have gone with them then…!

The new OLC season has started and it was fun to see that OLC has created some kind of certificate for everybody with their 2012 spot on it, in both OLC and OLC speed. OLC is doing that well!!!!Yes OLC had a great year in 2012.And….well deserved!
109.820 Flights and 104 million clicks is just SUPER! And …the European summer was n’t even the best.
I was very impressed with our 2 Dutch clubs being the best word wide; The Gelderse and the Amsterdamsche Club for Soaring. More about that in my next blog.
The Gelderse Club added this weekend a new Duo Discus XL to their fleet. And a syndicate put a new ARCUS T on the strip. Be warned for the next 2013 season!

The Gelderse Strip today!

Picture courtesy Max Bloch via FB.

Lovely day of soaring today for Lisa and Peter Trotter. Both participate in the Kingaroy Nationals for club and sports class and both won the day. Peter in ASW 20 and Lisa in sports class in the LS 8.
4 Days out of 6 at this stage and 5 to go with Lisa on top in her class with 30 points on John Buchanan[ ASG 29]  and in club class Jim Crowhurst in ASW 19B with 13 points on Adam Woolley in Cirrus 75.

Husband and wife Peter and Lisa Trotter.

 Would the supersonic jump from Felix Baumgartner be today??? Still do not really believe in such a jump and hope it will be OK.It’s nice to make history when you can talk about it later, is n’t it?

For all other news you are welcome to read as well.
Cheers Ritz