
A pity that during a lot of comps in Europe at the moment the amount of cancelled days equals the days pilots could fly. The Belgian Nationals suffered from this phenomena.

The French open class and 2 seater Nationals suffered even more; 3 days flown, 5 days cancelled. Team Sturm won before Gerard Lherm [2]  and Pierre de Broqueville [3] who will fly in Uvalde for the Belgium team.

The well know and loved-by-many-Klix-comps in Germany, needed a window on the last day to have 3 days in club class. It worked out well, as before raindrops fell and thunder was heard, the pilots were back or had safely outlanded.
In standard class our young Dutch pilot Peter Millenaar won with 2516 points while  in club class. Helge Liebertz won with 1782 points in club class. It says enough about the weather too. Though in the beginning they had too stable hot weather, no rain. Also a nuisance.

Peter Millenaar winner in standard class in Klix.

Last week was just not too good at those sites, while other places had glorious weather. Yesterday the North of Holland and Germany and the South of Denmark had good soaring clouds and a lot of pilots could use them as it was Saturday! They were crying “victory” on social media!!!

Flights as 767 km up North certainly in a Discus are just good! Even a 500 k in a Duo Discus from Holland belonged to the better flights.

Have a look at the OLC as those flights close to the Nordsea are interesting to look at; no wave, no rodges , only good clouds!
Bayreuth had a few 1000 km flights in open class gliders .

Clouds over the N. of Holland gave lot’s of pleasure.
Picture by Frank Hiemstra.

On May 3,  Minden was the place to be , that means if you wanted to fly over  2000 km. flights , by–who else…Jim Payne and  Dennis Tito in the DG 1001M but also by Devin Bargainnier in a Duo Discus. Nice speed as well; 162 km.h and 195 km/h.

The WGC in Uvalde is coming closer and I am pleased to see the world  around us will be “wired”. We should be able to read everywhere around us, what’s going on. Cool! In 1991 we were guest at the High School close to the field and one of the class rooms was our “team hut”. I presume the “folks” as the site calls them , from the IT department of this school, have had fun to work on it.

I noticed as well that the control points are available now.  Airspace files will be published soon. It ‘s all going to happen.

For more news about last week you can read also  on
Cheers Ritz

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